Melanie Turnbull's 24 Day Challenge!

A college friend Facebook messaged me about the 24 Day Challenge! Without any hesitation, she ordered the challenge and a couple weeks later her journey began! Here is her story... Ok so I'm finally going to let you know how my challenge went!  Basically, at first, I was having a really hard time with no dairy (I eat lots of cereal, cheese and yogurt) as well as the spacing of meals because I rarely take breaks at work when I'm supposed to.  But once I got over the dairy part and decided to eat whenever I could but eat all the required food within each day everything went much better.

My starting weight was 120.8 lbs and body fat was 29% (which is NOT accurate because I was using my scale at home but for consistency purposes to see progress that's what I used).  After phase 1, I weighed 117.2 lbs with 27.5% body fat and on day 24 I weighed 113 lbs!!!!!  and my body fat went down 2%!  I wasn't looking to drop so much weight but I feel so great I'll take it!  During phase 2, I wasn't able to handle the no fruit thing so I just continued the clean eating from phase 1.

After day 24, I continued for the most part to eat clean (I might have some icecream or yogurt every once in a while) but without even trying I effortlessly keep dropping weight and body fat!  I weighed myself last week and I'm at 110.4 lbs! and down 5% body fat from my starting point!  I lost crazy amounts of inches from everywhere, and I fit into clothes from high school!  My favorite part is how my muscle tone has become more defined with the catalyst and having more energy.  I'm also rarely hungry, which is good.
I have recommended the Challenge to many people who have noticed my results and wanted to know how I did it!
Anyways, THANK YOU!!!
Live Healthy & Be Happy